The nodal analysis and the mesh analysis are based on the systematic application of Kirchhoff’s laws.
Nodal analysis is a method that provides a general procedure for analyzing circuits using node voltages as the circuit variables. Having ‘n’ nodes there will be ‘n-1’ simultaneous equations to solve.
The procedure for analyzing a circuit with the node Analysis:
- Identify all nodes of the circuit.
- Select a node as the reference node also called the ground and assign to it a potential of 0 Volts. All other voltages in the circuit are measured with respect to the reference node.
for example in the below circuit nodes are Va,Vb and Vc with respect to reference node D.
According to Kirchhoff's current law we have I1 + I2 = I3 and I=V/R from ohm's law.
so we have I1 = (Va - Vb)/10 ; I2 = (Vc - Vb)/20 ; I3 = (Vb)/40
As Va = 10v and Vc = 20v , Vb can be easily found by:

[…] Nodal analysis […]