A bipolar junction transistor is a three terminal semiconductor current controlled device with two P-N junctions. The three terminals are emitter(E), base(B) and collector(C). the emitter junction is heavily doped, base is less doped and made very thin and collector terminal is moderately doped. Collector has grater size than emitter and base terminal is thinner than both. (The thinner the base, the stronger the E-C electric field, and the larger the impact of a small current injected into the base. Explained clearly in active mode operation below) emitter terminal is moderate in size. A BJT has two types of transistors: NPN transistor PNP transistor NPN transistor : In an NPN transistor a p-type material is sandwiched between two n-type materials. [gallery ids="979,978" type="rectangular"] PNP transistor : In a PNP transistor a n-type material is sandwiched between two p-type materials. [gallery ids="989,990" type="rectangular"] Oper...